
The First Step is the Hardest...

We bee-lined for Honduras to start our trip out right. The backpacker trail exists, but it isn’t overrun with tourists like in Guatemala, yet the trail still leads to islands, ruins and beautiful lakes. Travel wasn’t easy necessarily, but when you first start out on a year-long trip, the chicken buses, dead ends, miscommunications and language barriers are fun and exciting anyways. Any difficulties were far overshadowed by our newfound thrill of adventure and freedom. Honduras will always have a special place in our hearts – and, for what it’s worth, Central America’s best beer.

Travel Blog

where we went, what we saw, and how we did

Other CENTRAL American Destinations

(Editor's note: I know, I know... Mexico is in North America - but that blog doesn't exist, so it fits nicely - if not geographically incorrectly - in Central America...)