

My New Pants


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

After an amazing rafting experience, Nile River Explorers took a few of us straight to Kampala and our accommodation at Red Chili Hideaway. A short ride from the center of town, Red Chili Hideaway is insanely popular with Overland tours and backpackers alike. Personally, I feel it has become a victim of it’s own Lonely Planet success – often full, a bit overpriced and no sheets available for the beds, but all in all it’s a great place if you want to kick back and chat with other travelers.

Lyndi and I decided to go pants shopping (for me after our incident in Jinja) and re-live our Junior High days and go hang out at the mall afterward. Joined by our rafting partner Chris, the three of us headed out for the day after rafting to what can only be described as mass pandemonium.

Fat pig at Red Chili Hideaway

A variable hodgepodge of vendors, touts, matatus and people greeted us at our stop near Odwina Market, and seemed to only get worse as we entered. Luckily, I found a sweet pair of American Eagle trekking pants for about $5, and we hastily retreated to the “nice” part of town, Garden Ridge, where the mall was. After walking through people traffic that was just as bad, if not worse than the famed traffic of Kampala itself, the crowds began to thin and we soon found ourselves at Garden Ridge mall.

Chris quickly found himself on the receiving end of some bad luck as his bank card was eaten up by the local ATM, so while he remedied that situation, Lyndi and I had lunch and roamed the mall. Afterward, Lyndi decided to head back to the hotel because Chris and I had decided to watch “Battle for LA” (or something like that) on the big screen at the local cinema. I would say the movie was good, but considering the video was out of focus and there was a black line across the entire top of the picture, I honestly couldn’t tell who won. But boy is that Aaron Eckhart dreamy.

Returning to the hostel, we met up with Lyndi again and enjoyed a couple rounds of free pool, along with some beers as well. Feeling that we had seen enough of Kampala, we decided to head out the next morning to Lake Bunyoni, and spend a couple of days on Uganda’s most beautiful lake. So the next morning, I woke up, snapped some quick photos of the resident pig (who is FAT by the way) and got chased by one of the local monkeys as I wandered too close to one of its babies.

Kampala at dusk

So as a quick stopover, Kampala wasn’t too bad, but if I were forced to live here – give me a helicopter (for the insane amount of traffic- LA has nothing on this city), a nice grill (for the fatty pig who could provide me with a years supply of ham and bacon) and some monkey repellent.