Backpackers to Flashpackers

There's more than one way to travel

After years of backpacking on a shoestring budget, we have now made a happy home in the US with jobs we enjoy, family close by, and mortgages we have to pay. But that doesn’t mean the Travel Bug has gone away – in fact, with a reliable income, it just means you can go further in more comfortable fashion!

This blog is intended to track our journeys – from Backpackers in our 20s to Flashpackers for our foreseeable future. Goodbye cheap dorm beds, hello cheap hotel beds! Goodbye PBJs for dinner, hello PBJs for lunch! Goodbye two year excursions, hello two week excursions! Goodbye nights whiled away with cheap beer in a local pub…. nah. Just kidding! That’s the best part.

Our travels together started back in 2008 – we’ve covered a lot of ground, burned through a significant wad of cash, and made incredible memories that are captured on these pages. This site was created as a place to store our photos and blogs, but we hope others might also learn something or be inspired along the way, and maybe even pack up their own bags and take a trip of a lifetime.

What to expect

This is what it is. Just a blog. We didn't travel longer than anyone else, cheaper than anyone else, or to more remote places than anyone else. We're not trying to make any money, we're not trying to sell you on anything or any place. This blog was written over the course of a decade +, so you'll probably see typos, photos taken with 6px cameras and/or bad jokes and puns throughout. But hey - we think we're funny. We hope this blog gives readers inspiration or ideas on planning a trip - but most of all this is a collection of memories that we want to share.